Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 RESULTS

Rollen – Gränssnittet mellan människa och organisation

I en miljö med hög förändringstakt är gränssnittet (rollen) en avgörande del för människan. Det avgör om vår energi bidrar till hög prestation, kreativitet och hållbarhet.

Vi på Sandahls fokuserar på våra partners mål och leverans. Vi använder vår gedigna kunskap och erfarenhet om hur människor fungerar i organisation för att våra partners ska kunna nå, eller till och med överträffa, sina mål. Vi tränar ledare och medarbetar på att ta roll för att möjliggöra samarbete och utveckling i komplexa sammanhang. Sandahl Partners bygger sina träningar på en gedigen forskningsgrund och fyrtio års erfarenhet av organisationer och organiserande.

Olaf Zimmerman

Timing Architectural Decisions

Exciting times for IT architects: agile practices and domain-driven design, cloud nativity and Web APIs, generative AI and DevOps automation and many other trending topics keep on changing the context of our work. The main responsibilities and essence of our role remain, though: serving as advocates of development teams, coaches and communicators, technical risk managers, and, last but certainly not least, decision makers.

This talk introduces old and new Architectural Decision (AD) making practices such as AD Records (ADRs), AD definitions of ready and done, and Most Responsible Moment (MRM). It also identifies criteria for architectural significance and ADR (anti-)patterns.
The talk concludes with a proposal of a maturity model for AD management and a first look on ongoing research to position ethical values such as sustainability as special types of non-functional requirements.

Take aways:
– Find out when to best make which type of decision (MRM).
– Learn how to make and document ADs effectively, efficiently, and responsibly.
– Identify opportunities to improve existing architecture practices

Surviving the hybrid work rhythm

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically altered the landscape of work, pushing knowledge workers into a predominantly remote environment and establishing a new, enduring hybrid work model. This shift has transformed workplace flexibility from a privilege to an essential right, greatly influencing personal well-being and productivity. However, the transition to hybrid work rhythm is not without its challenges. Increased remote working can potentially disrupt workflows, reduce overall efficiency, complicate onboarding processes, and fragment knowledge networks and awareness of what is going on across work units. Based on the insights from studying multiple organisations in Sweden and Norway, this talk will critically examine the dual nature of remote working—highlighting both the increased autonomy for individuals and the resultant challenges faced by software architects. Special attention will be given to effective strategies that reconcile individual flexibility with the need for team cohesion and understanding ”the big picture”. Join us to learn how to create a well-functioning hybrid rhythm that supports both personal well-being and robust group orientation

Harald Wesenberg, Talare på ITAR 2024

What architects talk about after midnight

As an architect your role is to manage the evolving complexity of your system to ensure that they create value for your end users today, but even more importantly, tomorrow. To achieve this, we, as architects, have developed tools and practices that help us in our tasks. But sometimes I wonder, is this enough? Isn’t there more to being an architect? How do we think about systems? How do we deal with increasing complexity? How do we architect in an ever evolving technological landscape where trends and technologies emerge and disappear at the blink of an eye? Join Harald on a journey through 25+ years of software development and architecting experience where we will look at some of the topics architects talk about in the bar after midnight for dealing with the eternal dilemmas of architecting.