Nu kan du köpa din biljett till ITARC 2024!

För 17:e året i rad arrangerar DF Kompetens och IASA Sverige ITARC.

I år dyker vi djupt ner i arkitektens roll i en värld i ständig förändring. Hur bemästrar vi den explosiva utvecklingen inom AI, DevOps och Cloud? Hur hanterar vi pressen att kliva utanför vår kärnkompetens och samtidigt bygga framtidens arkitekturer? En ny version av IASA Sveriges rolldokument är på väg, och vi är ivriga att höra vad ni har att säga!

Det här är några av ämnena som vi kommer att prata om på ITARC 2024:

-Arkitektur för AI-baserade system

–Att vara ny inom arkitektur och utveckla nästa generationen av arkitekter

-Arkitektens roll i organisationen, roller och ansvar

-De förändrade definitionerna av arkitektur och skapa arkitektur för det okända

-Mognadsmodeller för arkitekturpraktik och modern arkitekturstyrning

Vi ses på Clarion Hotel Sign i Stockholm 14-15 oktober!

I got a perfect update on the state of issues related to IT architecture! Great speakers, Interesting subjects, well organised.” – deltagare 2023

Very good conference. Broaden my understanding of IT architecture, its challenges as well as my understanding of the role of ”being an architect”.” – deltagare 2023

Årets talare

Vi har knutit till oss en massa inspirerande talare som väntar på att dela med sig av sina insikter, berättelser och erfarenheter. Är du intresserad av att läsa mer om årets talare? Klicka på knappen nedan!

Harald Wesenberg, Talare på ITAR 2024
Harald WesenbergDigital Innovator

Keynote speaker

Harald Wesenberg is an experienced digital innovator with more than 25 years of experience in developing new cool capabilities for the oil and gas industry. Throughout his long career he has worked as a software developer, enterprise architect, advisor to Equinors CIO and more. He is a regular speaker at conferences and workshops both domestically and internationally on topics related to digital innovation and what organizations need to adapt new solutions successfully. Harald is currently working at the Equinor Research Center in Trondheim, Norway focusing on understanding risks and opportunities in new technological advances.

Harald Wesenberg, Talare på ITAR 2024
Harald WesenbergDigital Innovator

Keynote speaker

Harald Wesenberg is an experienced digital innovator with more than 25 years of experience in developing new cool capabilities for the oil and gas industry. Throughout his long career he has worked as a software developer, enterprise architect, advisor to Equinors CIO and more. He is a regular speaker at conferences and workshops both domestically and internationally on topics related to digital innovation and what organizations need to adapt new solutions successfully. Harald is currently working at the Equinor Research Center in Trondheim, Norway focusing on understanding risks and opportunities in new technological advances.

Darja Smite, talar på ITARC 2024
Darja SmiteProfessor of Software Enginering, Blekinge Institute of Technology.


Darja Smite is a professor of Software Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology, a part-time research scientist at SINTEF in Norway and an independent consultant. She leads research efforts focusing on remote and hybrid working. Her research interests include distributed development and outsourcing, productivity measurement, organizational culture, teamwork, self-organisation, innovative behaviours and well-being. Darja Smite conducts research in close collaboration with companies, including Ericsson, Spotify, Telenor, Storebrand and SONY among others. Before her academic career she has been working in software industry in Latvia.

Darja Smite, talar på ITARC 2024
Darja SmiteProfessor of Software Enginering, Blekinge Institute of Technology.


Darja Smite is a professor of Software Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology, a part-time research scientist at SINTEF in Norway and an independent consultant. She leads research efforts focusing on remote and hybrid working. Her research interests include distributed development and outsourcing, productivity measurement, organizational culture, teamwork, self-organisation, innovative behaviours and well-being. Darja Smite conducts research in close collaboration with companies, including Ericsson, Spotify, Telenor, Storebrand and SONY among others. Before her academic career she has been working in software industry in Latvia.

Olaf Zimmerman
Olaf ZimmermannProfessor and consulting IT architect, OST Eastern Switzerland University.

Keynote speaker

Olaf Zimmerman is a professor and consulting IT architect at the Institute for Software at OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Switzerland. His areas of interest include API design and management, domain-driven design and (micro-)services on solution, portfolio and enterprise level. As an industrial researcher and software architect at ABB and IBM, he provided design, implementation and integration services to clients in multiple industries before. He also developed and taught middleware and tools for systems and network management. Olaf is a certified The Open Group Distinguished (Chief/Lead) IT Architect and a member of Hillside Europe. Olaf is an author of the books “Patterns for API Design” (Addison Wesley, 2022) and “Perspectives on Web Services” (Springer, 2003) as well as the first Redbook on Eclipse and Web services (IBM, 2001). He was awarded the first Best Publication Award at OST (2023/2024) and the first IEEE Software Best Presentation New Directions Award at SEI SATURN 2010. He is a co-editor of the Insights column in IEEE Software. He created the open-source method collections Design Practice Repository (DPR) and Ethical Software Engineering.

Olaf Zimmerman
Olaf ZimmermannProfessor and consulting IT architect, OST Eastern Switzerland University.

Keynote speaker

Olaf Zimmerman is a professor and consulting IT architect at the Institute for Software at OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Switzerland. His areas of interest include API design and management, domain-driven design and (micro-)services on solution, portfolio and enterprise level. As an industrial researcher and software architect at ABB and IBM, he provided design, implementation and integration services to clients in multiple industries before. He also developed and taught middleware and tools for systems and network management. Olaf is a certified The Open Group Distinguished (Chief/Lead) IT Architect and a member of Hillside Europe. Olaf is an author of the books “Patterns for API Design” (Addison Wesley, 2022) and “Perspectives on Web Services” (Springer, 2003) as well as the first Redbook on Eclipse and Web services (IBM, 2001). He was awarded the first Best Publication Award at OST (2023/2024) and the first IEEE Software Best Presentation New Directions Award at SEI SATURN 2010. He is a co-editor of the Insights column in IEEE Software. He created the open-source method collections Design Practice Repository (DPR) and Ethical Software Engineering.


Möt årets programansvariga

Rebekka Wohlrab

”Mitt mål är att göra ITARC till en mötesplats där vi kan överbrygga klyftan mellan akademin och industrin. Det är spännande att se hur forskningsresultat kan bära frukt i industrin – och att diskutera praktiska problem som kan dra nytta av forskningslösningar.”

Jag är forskarassistent inom data- och informationsteknik på Chalmers. Jag är också adjungerad forskare på Carnegie Mellon University (USA). I mer än 10 år har jag forskat kring mjukvaruarkitektur och relaterade ämnen. Jag samarbetar regelbundet med företag för att förbättra deras arbetssätt inom IT-arkitektur.

Thijmen de Gooijer

”Min ambition med ITARC är att skapa ett möte mellan olika idéer och människor för att utveckla arkitektyrket.”

Jag arbetar som lösningsarkitekt på Nordea inom ekobrottsbekämpning. Tidigare har jag fört akademisk forskning till produktinnovationer, och föreläst vid flera forskningskonferenser. Innan jag blev del av IASA Sveriges styrelse var jag starkt involverad i SEI:s SATURN-konferens och del av i IEEE ICSA-konferensens programkommitté.

Årets utställare
