Nu kan du köpa din biljett till ITARC 2024!

För 17:e året i rad arrangerar DF Kompetens och IASA Sverige ITARC.

ITARC är den perfekta mötesplatsen för dig och alla andra som befinner sig inom IT-arkitekturens värld!

Två dagar fullspäckade med utbyte av erfarenheter, inspiration, kunskap och energi.

Lyssna till erfarna experter som introducerar nya tankesätt och verktyg, bygg ett starkare nätverk med dina branschkollegor och inte minst interagera på bästa sätt genom workshops.

Vi ses på Clarion Hotel Sign i Stockholm 14-15 oktober!

Årets talare

Vi arbetar för fullt med att sammanställa årets program och uppdaterar kontinuerligt vår hemsida med mer information. Är du intresserad av att läsa mer om årets talare? Klicka på knappen nedan!

Olaf Zimmerman
Olaf ZimmermannProfessor and consulting IT architect, OST Eastern Switzerland University.

Keynote speaker

Olaf Zimmerman is a professor and consulting IT architect at the Institute for Software at OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Switzerland. His areas of interest include API design and management, domain-driven design and (micro-)services on solution, portfolio and enterprise level. As an industrial researcher and software architect at ABB and IBM, he provided design, implementation and integration services to clients in multiple industries before. He also developed and taught middleware and tools for systems and network management. Olaf is a certified The Open Group Distinguished (Chief/Lead) IT Architect and a member of Hillside Europe. Olaf is an author of the books “Patterns for API Design” (Addison Wesley, 2022) and “Perspectives on Web Services” (Springer, 2003) as well as the first Redbook on Eclipse and Web services (IBM, 2001). He was awarded the first Best Publication Award at OST (2023/2024) and the first IEEE Software Best Presentation New Directions Award at SEI SATURN 2010. He is a co-editor of the Insights column in IEEE Software. He created the open-source method collections Design Practice Repository (DPR) and Ethical Software Engineering.

Olaf Zimmerman
Olaf ZimmermannProfessor and consulting IT architect, OST Eastern Switzerland University.

Keynote speaker

Olaf Zimmerman is a professor and consulting IT architect at the Institute for Software at OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Switzerland. His areas of interest include API design and management, domain-driven design and (micro-)services on solution, portfolio and enterprise level. As an industrial researcher and software architect at ABB and IBM, he provided design, implementation and integration services to clients in multiple industries before. He also developed and taught middleware and tools for systems and network management. Olaf is a certified The Open Group Distinguished (Chief/Lead) IT Architect and a member of Hillside Europe. Olaf is an author of the books “Patterns for API Design” (Addison Wesley, 2022) and “Perspectives on Web Services” (Springer, 2003) as well as the first Redbook on Eclipse and Web services (IBM, 2001). He was awarded the first Best Publication Award at OST (2023/2024) and the first IEEE Software Best Presentation New Directions Award at SEI SATURN 2010. He is a co-editor of the Insights column in IEEE Software. He created the open-source method collections Design Practice Repository (DPR) and Ethical Software Engineering.

Christina Lihagen, talar på ITARC 2024
Christina LihagenLeg psykolog, civilekonom och organisationspsykolog.

Keynote-talare & workshopledare

Christina Lihagen, leg psykolog, civilekonom och organisationspsykolog. Christina har lång erfarenhet av att jobba i gränssnittet mellan IT och övriga organisationen, Kicki har arbetet inom många olika verksamheter både som psykolog och chef.

Christina Lihagen, talar på ITARC 2024
Christina LihagenLeg psykolog, civilekonom och organisationspsykolog.

Keynote-talare & workshopledare

Christina Lihagen, leg psykolog, civilekonom och organisationspsykolog. Christina har lång erfarenhet av att jobba i gränssnittet mellan IT och övriga organisationen, Kicki har arbetet inom många olika verksamheter både som psykolog och chef.

Harald Wesenberg, Talare på ITAR 2024
Harald WesenbergDigital Innovator

Keynote speaker

Harald Wesenberg is an experienced digital innovator with more than 25 years of experience in developing new cool capabilities for the oil and gas industry. Throughout his long career he has worked as a software developer, enterprise architect, advisor to Equinors CIO and more. He is a regular speaker at conferences and workshops both domestically and internationally on topics related to digital innovation and what organizations need to adapt new solutions successfully. Harald is currently working at the Equinor Research Center in Trondheim, Norway focusing on understanding risks and opportunities in new technological advances.

Harald Wesenberg, Talare på ITAR 2024
Harald WesenbergDigital Innovator

Keynote speaker

Harald Wesenberg is an experienced digital innovator with more than 25 years of experience in developing new cool capabilities for the oil and gas industry. Throughout his long career he has worked as a software developer, enterprise architect, advisor to Equinors CIO and more. He is a regular speaker at conferences and workshops both domestically and internationally on topics related to digital innovation and what organizations need to adapt new solutions successfully. Harald is currently working at the Equinor Research Center in Trondheim, Norway focusing on understanding risks and opportunities in new technological advances.


Nu släpper vi programmet för ITARC 2024!

Nu släpper vi ett preliminärt program för ITARC 2024. Schemat uppdateras löpande med nya spännande namn fram till konferensen i höst!