This tutorial provides a comprehensive introduction to the concept of Enterprise Architecture (EA) debts, a critical aspect of maintaining the health and sustainability of enterprise systems. EA debts refer to the suboptimal decisions and shortcuts taken during the architectural development process that can lead to significant issues over time, much like technical debt in software engineering. The tutorial will review the current state of research, highlighting key findings and methodologies that have been developed to identify, measure, and mitigate EA debts.
Participants will engage with a cutting-edge research prototype designed to simulate and visualize EA debts. This tool transforms EA models into knowledge graphs, allowing users to interactively explore enterprise architecture smells—the detectable symptoms of underlying EA debts. Through hands-on experience with the prototype, attendees will learn to identify these architectural smells, gaining insights into how to effectively make decisions around EA debts in their own organizations. This practical approach ensures that participants leave with both a theoretical understanding and practical skills applicable to real-world scenarios.