Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 RESULTS
Peder Stromberg Gonzales

Track 2 // Innovationsarkitektur: en kulturodling (SV)

Innovation är inte ett projekt – det är en kontinuerlig process som kräver långsiktigt tänkande och rätt kultur. IT-arkitektur kan bli en möjliggörare för innovation genom att bygga flexibla plattformar och skapa en kultur av lärande och kreativitet. Vi diskuterar IT-arkitektens roll som coach, visionär och förändringsledare i arbetet mot en hållbar och innovationsdriven framtid.

// WORKSHOP // Best Practices for Architecting ML-enabled Systems (ENG)

Designing and developing machine learning (ML) enabled systems is a complex process that can be eased by leveraging effective and established design decisions that tackle the most important challenges. This knowledge is expected to lead to a good system and software architecture.  We have identified, via a systematic literature review and a series of practitioner interviews, a set of common challenges, best design practices, and software architecture design decisions relevant to the creation, maintenance, and evolution of ML-enabled systems.

In this workshop we will present the results of our investigations.  These best practices are categorized into: 1) system-level concerns, 2) component-level concerns, 3) system environment concerns, 4) project process, and 5) architecture process.  In this workshop we will present and discuss the findings and best practices learned in each of these categories.  Our goal for this workshop is to turn this categorization into an actionable design checklist that is usable by architects of ML-enabled systems in the real world.

Therefore the 3 hours of this workshop will be divided into an initial presentation of our findings and an interactive discussion on how to turn these findings into a useful and usable resource for practicing architects.


// WORKSHOP // Ta din roll på jobbet: Optimera det mänskliga systemet (SV)

Under den här workshopen får du möjlighet att jobba med ditt gränssnitt, tydliggöra och identifiera den samt lära dig om konsekvenserna av att leva med tydlighet versus otydlighet. Arbetet kommer att involvera dig att göra en analys av ditt nuläge samt ringa eventuella nästa steg.

Vi på Sandahls fokuserar på våra partners mål och leverans. Vi använder vår gedigna kunskap och erfarenhet om hur människor fungerar i organisation för att våra partners ska kunna nå, eller till och med överträffa, sina mål. Vi tränar ledare och medarbetar på att ta roll för att möjliggöra samarbete och utveckling i komplexa sammanhang. Sandahl Partners bygger sina träningar på en gedigen forskningsgrund och fyrtio års erfarenhet av organisationer och organiserande.

// WORKSHOP // How Enterprise Architects can increase their impact on the enterprise (ENG)

You are working very hard as an Enterprise Architect, but does it really make a difference?

Enterprise Architecture Management has been around for four decades now. Many promises were made by this discipline, yet today most enterprises still don’t have intentionally designed business and IT architectures. Enterprise Architects usually have some impact on IT application landscapes, but only a very limited impact on the business part of enterprise architectures.

In this workshop we will present game-changing patterns and tools based on the EDGY language. We discuss how they could help in your concrete cases with your concrete challenges.

You will learn how to:

● deal with common obstacles in the Enterprise Architecture practice;
● produce creations that people love to co-create;
● communicate and deal with corporate politics to build the relationships you need for collaborative design

// WORKSHOP // Enterprise Architecture Debt (ENG)

This tutorial provides a comprehensive introduction to the concept of Enterprise Architecture (EA) debts, a critical aspect of maintaining the health and sustainability of enterprise systems. EA debts refer to the suboptimal decisions and shortcuts taken during the architectural development process that can lead to significant issues over time, much like technical debt in software engineering. The tutorial will review the current state of research, highlighting key findings and methodologies that have been developed to identify, measure, and mitigate EA debts.
Participants will engage with a cutting-edge research prototype designed to simulate and visualize EA debts. This tool transforms EA models into knowledge graphs, allowing users to interactively explore enterprise architecture smells—the detectable symptoms of underlying EA debts. Through hands-on experience with the prototype, attendees will learn to identify these architectural smells, gaining insights into how to effectively make decisions around EA debts in their own organizations. This practical approach ensures that participants leave with both a theoretical understanding and practical skills applicable to real-world scenarios.


Track 1 // Designing Three Rs of Digital Business Ecosystems: Roles, Responsibilities, and Resilience (ENG)

Digital Business Ecosystem implies several distinctive features including the heterogeneity of involved actors, their interdependence in the exchange of resources, the dynamic nature of their relationships, and the need for self-organization. To successfully design and develop such ecosystems, it is essential to clearly define the business scope, delineate the roles and responsibilities of each participating company, organization and individual, map out their interactions and dependencies, and leverage a range of underlying technologies and diverse data. Furthermore, this process must include an assessment of the ecosystem’s resilience, gauging its ability to achieve its objectives in the face of challenges. This involves identifying and modeling resilience indicators to ensure the ecosystem’s capacity to adapt and thrive under changing conditions.

Harald Wesenberg, Talare på ITAR 2024

What architects talk about after midnight (ENG)

As an architect your role is to manage the evolving complexity of your system to ensure that they create value for your end users today, but even more importantly, tomorrow. To achieve this, we, as architects, have developed tools and practices that help us in our tasks. But sometimes I wonder, is this enough? Isn’t there more to being an architect? How do we think about systems? How do we deal with increasing complexity? How do we architect in an ever evolving technological landscape where trends and technologies emerge and disappear at the blink of an eye? Join Harald on a journey through 25+ years of software development and architecting experience where we will look at some of the topics architects talk about in the bar after midnight for dealing with the eternal dilemmas of architecting.