On October 14th & 15th, we will host ITARC 2024

Sweden’s meeting place for everyone passionate about Digital Architecture.

Trends come in quick succession in the digital world: AI, DevOps, Cloud, Agile. We already forgot about blockchain. How do you ride the never-ending waves of progress? External changes and disruption are not the only enemy. Experienced architects are often good at other things. They are seasoned project leaders, senior engineers, subject-matter experts, and more. Architects are asked, tempted, or even expected to perform outside of their job description. How to keep sanity, and how do we grow the next generation of architects given our high expectations?

At the core is the question: what is the role of the architect, or more importantly what is not? Who is the person behind the role? Why are they more often male and white than not? IASA Sweden’s reference description of architecture roles is one small tool in this. We will share a fresh revision of this with you, and are equally eager to hear what you have to say.

We are looking for speakers who have something to say on the subject.

Especially relevant are talks on:

-Being new in architecture and growing the next generation of architects
-The role of the architect in the organization, roles and responsibilities
-The changing definitions of architecture & architecting the unknown
-Maturity of architecture practice and modern architecture governance
-New concepts or ideas that you believe enrich Nordic architecture practitioners

Session types

Talks are 30-45 minutes plus Q&A. Potential speakers should be comfortable on stage with larger audiences. We welcome newer speakers of all backgrounds. If available, please provide reference or description of speaking experience.

Workshops are 3 hours long are should involve a deeper look into one subject.


Submit contributions via the link below by the final deadline of June 10, 2024. Speakers may submit up to 3 separate talk proposals and one workshop (on the same topic as one of 3 talks).

Our review process is interactive. Be ready to answer questions from reviewers through email.

Accepted speakers will receive free admission to the main conference event.

If you are interested in giving a speech or workshop, you are welcome to submit an application via the button below.